Fashion Style

The Proposal Story

Just Met Jess Proposal


With all the exciting events around my wedding last year and the things I learned along the way, I thought it would be great to post a wedding series and feature some of the highlights of the road to the alter and the beautiful shots from the big day. Fun bonus to end the series? My Tulum Travel Guide from our mini-moon experience there.

Kicking off the wedding series with the beginning of all the madness Part I of IV; the Proposal Story.



justmetjess engagement

crop top engagement


I honestly always thought I would know when this day was coming. Between my sister who is notoriously awful at keeping secrets (she tells me my Christmas present weeks before I open it), and my now husband then boyfriend who was just really bad at lying, I figured when plans got scheduled I would know something was up and totally see it coming. But obviously, miraculously, I did not see this at all.

The story behind all of this is actually pretty hilarious and really relevant to this blog (and finally getting it going nearly TWO YEARS later). My sister called me the week before the proposal and said that mom and dad were babysitting her kids and she was going to take her husband to Hillstone, one of our favorite restaurants in Orlando. She casually mentioned that Ian and I could join her if we wanted, but that she thought Ian was out of town so she understood if we couldn’t. WHAT A POKER FACE.

I bought it, and not only did I buy it, I played into her hand by asking her to bring her camera so we could maybe shoot some pictures for the blog (I had gotten a new outfit and it was too good not to share). Now it wasn’t totally strange when she had her camera in tow and took pictures on the beautiful dock on the restaurant. Or when Ian said “hey let’s get a picture together since we are both dressed up” (and we are terrible at getting pictures together). He started to walk me down the dock further and the whole time I was in protest telling him the lighting was going to be awful and we shouldn’t walk that far, but he persisted. It’s a miracle Ian still proposed after all my whining but once we got to his “spot” he faced me, knelt down and said some really lovely things that I can’t remember because I basically blacked out.



The entire time he was proposing there was nobody on that dock but me and him (in my mind). When he was done with the proposal and said “Of course” and hugged him harder than ever, and when I did that, I noticed that we were in fact NOT alone on the dock, and that my parents, my nephews and his mother were there to witness all of it. And of course my sister to document on camera, and my brother in-law to get ugly cry incriminating video that is somewhere locked away with numerous passwords and bolt locks because holy moly Jess – get it together.

My family means everything to me so having them there was so special and exactly what I would have wanted, which is exactly what Ian knew. The dinner after went by too fast but was absolutely filled with so much love.



I picked up this outfit nearly two years ago now (how has it been that long?!) But I’ve linked a few matching sets below that are great alternatives. I LOVE a matching set, it gives lots of options with piecing the separates with other items that can totally change the look up. I’d match up the first link below with a blazer to make it a little more conservative or make it appropriate for night. The shoes are still available and are wonderful staples for your closet (I have them in nude and black for good measure). I’ve linked two versions below (one with a block heel and one stiletto). If you don’t have them, BUY THEM. Seriously, they go with SO much.

Posting my first of many yum and healthy recipes this Friday so make sure to stop by!


What is your proposal story? Did you know it was coming?! Comment below, I’d love to hear your story!




Matching Set 1: Here and Here

Matching Set 2: Here and Here

Shoes: Stiletto here and block heel here


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  • Reply Elizabeth Ylaya 04/06/2017 at 3:36 PM

    LOVING this outfit Jess!! And what a sweet proposal story. We are never ready for some of life’s sweetest moments, but that’s what makes them memorable.

    • Reply Jess Scott 04/06/2017 at 5:25 PM

      Thank you. Isn’t it true? They are meant to be as they are meant to be though!

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