Mom Life

Favorite 5: Baby Friendly Instagram Accounts


My instagram habits have changed a bit since baby (more baby less Jess) and I find myself often visiting Instagram for advice or for new inspiration and tips to help me get through some of the new mom experiences. While many of the accounts I was following included some baby tidbits (and a few pregnancies and babies close to my own), there are a few in particular I either started following new or found a new appreciation for since baby. Sharing my favorite five today – baby instagram edition.



This account shares education and tips and tricks on feeding your little babe from starting food at 6 months to feeding well into childhood. They have courses for both babies and toddlers to help you learn how to introduce food and create healthy eating habits, the baby course features Baby led weaning (BLW) and my husband and I recently took it and LOVED it. But if you’re not interested in taking the course, this account is still FULL of wonderful information and education and meal examples to give you the greatest info and inspiration for the exciting time of feeding the little babes.



Oh the gems this girl gives. Yes you of course can take one of the VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Taking Cara Babies courses that she offers on her website, but even if you don’t you will ABSOLUTELY still want to follow this account. Everyday she shares new advice and blog posts to help mamas with their baby’s sleep whether it be naps or night time sleep, from newborn and up. She offers so much free content it’s hard to believe she isn’t giving it all away (but trust me her courses are still absolutely worth it!). She often answers readers’ questions in her stories as well and is SUPER responsive in DM’s which has helped this mama so many times. Even if you are just pregnant, this certainly one to follow.



Lola of What Lola Likes had a baby only a few days before me, so it’s been really fun to see someone else experiencing the same things I’ve been going through with my little P. She’s super transparent and great about sharing the good and bad of mommyhood, and shares tons of ideas and products for littles since she’s got a 6 month old AND a two year old, including meals, sleep, play and activities and how she travels with both of them. She’s also a beauty gal and happens to inspire me with how well she takes care of herself in between the naps and chaos of having little babes. She’s got a great positive outlook and calmness towards motherhood that I enjoy seeing everyday.



I first started following Geri years ago because of her amazing style but I have to say I’ve got a whole new appreciation of following her account since she became a mom. She too has shared great tips on raising bebe, including her trials with baby purees and feeding, sleep training, and more. What I also enjoy is seeing her style evolve through her pregnancy and now postpartum and how she tries to stay healthy and pamper herself (oh that balance) in her new role as a mom. Raising baby and doing it fashionably is definitely her niche.



This girls fitspo pregnant or not is REAL. When she’s not hanging out with her little dude trying out toddler classes around the city, or sneaking in beauty routines during his naps, she’s out at a workout class trying a cool new way to work up a sweat (and videoing it to share). I started following after she had her first little babe and really enjoyed watching her health journey postpartum and how consistent she was in working out. She gives me ideas and inspiration on prioritizing working out with a baby (and even pregnant), shares baby/toddler products and meal ideas, and just generally has a positive infectious attitude and humor that is enjoyable to be following.



What are some baby friendly accounts you love to follow? Drop them below!




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