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5 Ways To Find Your Balance

5 Ways To Find Balance JMJ

Anyone else struggle with balancing out your life? Feeling like your to-do list is never ending, you’re always hustling, and there are NEVER enough hours in the day? The struggle is real and some days balance feels more elusive than ever.

But the truth is this – There will NEVER be enough hours in the day so we have all got to figure this balance thing out. Because its important. And because life is full of unexpected things (good and bad) and finding balance throughout that is what will keep you SANE and moving in the direction you want. So how the heck do we get there?!

Although there is no perfect answer, I’ve got 5 Ways to Find Your Balance below which will help you get into your right groove and ride the waves of life at least 10x better and cooler than me riding this skateboard – ha

5 Ways To Find Balance JMJ

5 Ways To Find Balance JMJ

5 Ways To Find Balance JMJ


5 Ways To Find Balance JMJ

5 Ways To Find Balance JMJ


5 Ways To Find Balance JMJ

5 Ways To Find Balance JMJ


Since you only have so many hours in a day, it’s important for you to really think through what you actually want to spend your time doing (aside from sipping Pina coladas poolside). And it’s important you consider your priorities according to your current life situation and the things that you want for your life. Is your career really important for you? Family time? Working out? What’s 1st priority on that list? What are you willing to sacrifice in a day for your other priorities? Figure this out, be firm, and start planning things and time out according to that.


How you spend your time and balance things out should be a direct reflection of your goals. Don’t have them? Don’t think you need them? You do. Goals don’t have to be these life-changing things about world domination, but you should have some sort of concept of where you want to be and the things you want to accomplish within the next 6 months, 1 year and even a stretch goal beyond that (that ideally are supported by these nearer term milestones). Important part of this exercise is being realistic with them, so you can celebrate the success of these things and you don’t stress yourself out with things that are unachievable. Setting goals will give you intention, a clearer focus of the things you should prioritize and help you most importantly know when to say “no” (which is an important part of balance).


Although you’re definitely starting to be set up for success with those first two, you also need to make sure you build in some buffer for yourself to get it wrong every now and then. Because even though you said working out was a priority, some days it just may not be in the cards for you, and you HAVE to be ok with it. So remember when the day doesn’t go as planned and balance seems off, give yourself a break, because you will get it back and it WILL be ok.


While you were thinking of your priorities list, let me guess…. you didn’t actually put yourself on top of it, did you? Focusing on ourselves or taking “me” time is NOT one of the easiest things to do when you have aggressive goals and lots of balance in life, but it is the one priority item that will keep the rest of it going. If you don’t schedule in “me” time, get ready to be burnt out which will lead you to not be effective with any of your other priorities in your life. The ultimate way to lose your balance is to not take care of yourself. So be intentional with it and make sure to take time for yourself, time to recharge, time to do whatever fills you up, so you can be the best with all the other things you are doing in your life.


Life is…..unpredictable. And what is important for you today, may be completely different for you tomorrow. So make sure you are ready to re-prioritize to find your balance, and that you actively DO re-prioritize every now and then. Balance for you will look different at milestones in your life. Marriage, kids, career moves….. balance from one season will most likely not look like the last. So make sure you appreciate the differences as they come, ensure you’re spending your time where it’s most important to you and you’ll be alright.


So what does balance look like for you today? I’ve recently set some new goals for myself so I’d say my balance looks a little crazier right now than usual, but because I know this is what I want, I am riding the wave and enjoying it for what it is…. and hopeful for what my balance looks like in the future 😉






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